Gomadofu - we very much like this traditional Asian recipe, known from Japanese zen temples. We often make it for breakfast or as a nutritious snack or a side dish. It is the ultimate osteoporosis crasher! And one of the many great vitality-boosting recipes you can find in Alexander's Energy & Vegan cookbook *.
The sesame seeds, just like sea vegetables, are very rich in calcium and other minerals and thus great food for creating strong bones, hair, teeth, and nails.
The same goes for kuzu, another ingredient of this dish. Kuzu or kudzu, a wild mountain plant, has large roots rich in starch and minerals, with a strong alkalizing effect. It is a powerful remedy for strengthening your guts and digestion. Offering support in common flu or cold, throat ache, running nose, stomach ache, pre-during-and post menstrual pain, intestinal infections, acid reflux, and many more high acidity-related conditions.
One of many possible variations of this tasty recipe that we particularly like goes like this:
Ingredients for 4 portions:
1 cup black sesame seeds *, lightly dry roasted, and ground
2 tablespoons mirin *
1 tablespoon, heaped, shiro miso *
1/2 cup kuzu * daily or premium quality
spring water
shoyu *, namashoyu * or tamari * soy sauce
freshly grated ginger or ginger juice
* Tampopo Foods product
Step by step:
1. Place 1 cup of black sesame seeds and 1 cup of water in a pan.
2. Bring to boil and let it simmer for 1-2 minutes.
3. Add the mirin and shiro miso, stir well and let it simmer for 1-2 minutes.
4. Dilute the kuzu in 1/2 cup of cold water and while stirring, add it to the simmering mixture.
5. Keep stirring for approx. 3-5 minutes until it becomes thick, and the color will change from greyish to black.
6. Divide into individual bowls.
7. Drizzle a few drops of shoyu and ginger juice to your taste.
8. Serve warm or cold as a side dish. We like warm more.
Instead of individual bowls, pour all the mixture into a glass/ceramic dish.
Let it cool down. Slice and serve the individual portions with shoyu and ginger juice topping.
Use brown sesame seeds * or other seeds and nuts instead.
And try natto miso * condiment instead of shiro miso, this we love!
Happy cooking & Bon appetite!
Shop here your ingredients.